Bleach Those Tongues: Dystopian Assemblages

8 July 2021 — 7 August 2021

Hillsboro Fine Art, 49 Parnell Square West, Dublin, Ireland

Amongst The Daughter-Offsets Spilling Forth, Jennie Guy, 2021

A sculptural installation combining bronze, latex, mythological architectures and apotropaic symbols, BITCH FALCON – APPARATUS reflects Cecilia Bullo’s engagement with material processes, research, and conceptual inquiry. Loosely referencing aerial entities across cultures, such as the Harpies and the Morrígan, the work explores themes of rituals and ecofeminism. A mano fica amulet, is encased under a shroud of latex, as an esoteric gesture of resistance. The bronze portrait of a peregrine falcon, cast using the cire perdue process, was shaped through months of real life observation from wildlife rescue centres and from taxidermy studies at the Natural History Museum of Ireland.


Earthstone, aloe vera extract, hardware, medical shunts, 22  X 30 X 15cm, medical shunt 200 cm, 2020-2021  


Blood less, vessels series, 2020-2021



Jesmonite, hardware, artist’s DNA, 40 X 10 X 6cm, - medical shunt 200cm, 2021 

This work is based on the archaic apotropaic amulet of the Mano-Fica and as an expression of anti-patriarchal symbols.


Leigheas-Liminalis: antidotes for melancholic gestures


on Rhizomes