Cheonggukjang ‘Dead Body Soup’ Vessels I-IV

Bone china, ink, 28 X28X 2cm, 2013 

Cheonggukjang ‘Dead Body Soup’ Vessels I-IV was presented at the following exhibitions and projects:

The Question of Feeling at Home, curated by Moran Been-Noon, PS², Belfast, NI, 2019

The Hermione Exhibition, curated by Aisling Prior, Alexandra College, Dublin, IE, 2018

Artrooms: International Contemporary Art Fair, selected by Gianluca Marziani, Rome, ITA, 2018

RHA 184th Annual Exhibition, Royal Hibernian Academy, Dublin, EI, 2014

LAND: A Scarcity Banquet - a durational conference and permanent artwork by artist Jesse Jones, Smock Alley, Dublin, EI, 2013




Metanoia II: Complex Quixotian Escape